2024 Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) Holidays
Below is a list of the Opening, Closing, Current as well as Countdown Times for the Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST).
Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) Hours |
Turkey - |
Status | Open Time (local) | Close Time (local) | Current Time |
Closed | 09:00 | 17:30 | 18:35 |
Istanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) (BIST) Holiday Calendar 2024 | |
New Year's Day | 01 January |
Ramadan (Shaker) Bairam 1* | 10 April |
Ramadan (Shaker) Bairam 2* | 11 April |
Ramadan (Shaker) Bairam 3* | 12 April |
National Sovereignty and Children's Day | 23 April |
Labour and Solidarity Day | 01 May |
Kurban Bairam 2* | 17 June |
Kurban Bairam 3* | 18 June |
Kurban Bairam 4* | 19 June |
Democracy and National Unity Day | 15 July |
Victory Day | 30 August |
Republic Day | 29 October |